That's right, Addison and I have been discussing an online multi-player version of raze. It'll have an experience system, unlockables, upgrades, etc.
But of course, we want to make the best experience possible! Meaning smooth gameplay with no bugs or slowdown, and a fast & reliable online mode.
-- Help from fellow developers --
Right now I'm having a hard time finding a good, fast and efficiant multiplayer Api. So I'm asking all the developers out there, if you know of any good online flash API's, please leave it in the comment. So far I've taken a look at:
- Blossom server, seems okay, but doesn't seem to be as fast or efficient as others.
- Nonoba, looks pretty solid, but you have to integrate your game with their website.
- Smartfoxserver, seemes really good, but you need to pay large fee's to use the stuff. (We may end up going though route).
If you know of any other great multiplayer Api's that I should take a look at, please reply here, or send me a PM. Thanks a lot!
- Juice
Now that I think about it, you could use MMOcha. It's a server by xgen. They made Stick RPG and Stick Arena. MMOcha has little lag too, only thing is that you have to collab with Xgen. Here's some more info:
<a href=""></a>
Ah yeah, come to think of it i remember seeing this one too. (I used to play stick arena, it was awesome). Though I don't really want to be stuck collaborating with anyone in specific.
Since if the game gets hugely popular, it's be cool if I had the ability to freely add updates / new content. That might not be as easily possible with some places, and so I'd rather be free of any constraints. At least until the game is completed. Thanks for the suggestion though!